A place to tinker, play, explore, design, build, construct.....
What could you make with lego, blocks, or sand?What could you make with wire, clay, or sticks?
What can you do with a hammer, pliers or saw? What can you do with scissors or a needle and thread? What can you do with a hot glue gun? How about an ipad, iphone or video camera?
What can you make with your hands and an idea?

Maker's Lab is an opportunity to explore the materials, tools and ideas that are interesting to you and your team. Most of the time you will be working collaboratively with a partner or small group. We will spend the first few days, and time every week, doing team building games and activities. Everyone on the team has a gift or skill to offer. When we work together we can accomplish amazing things!

We will spend the first few weeks exploring materials and tools. That means we're going to play with a lot of different stuff. I won't be telling you what to make or do or think. We will come up with general themes together and I will be sharing lots of ideas with you to get you inspired to have your own ideas.
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